The Orion Team
The greatest asset of any company is its people. With industry experts at the helm of our firm, we make use of the collective experience and knowledge of the entire team to deliver optimal results.
Our core team is lean by design. As a smaller company, Orion isn’t weighed down by heavy layers of bureaucracy and can provide a “personal touch” that most multinational alternatives simply can’t. We believe in the importance of getting to know you, understanding your needs, and helping you meet your goals. Having an owner who is also an engineer and former auditor means the company is run from the perspective of someone with first-hand experience working in industry.

David Huebel
As the President for Orion Assessment Services, David’s role is to educate and help organizations understand the benefits of certification to national or international standards.
With over 25 years of experience in the certification industry, David has guided over 2,000 organizations in virtually every sector through the certification process. In addition, he has developed and implemented audit programs for a number of industries/associations seeking to establish a standard for their industry. His impressive track record includes positions as Vice President/Partner at Business Improvement Group Inc. and Senior Manager at Deloitte, as well as audit roles with QMI/CSA (Canadian Standards Association), NSF International Inc., QUASAR and VCA. David also sits on various standards development committees for ASTM, ISO and the Canadian General Standards Board.
A personal goal of David’s has always been to make the certification process painless yet thorough, educational, and value-adding for his clients.
Mark Curtis
As a Partner at Orion, Mark has been with the business since the beginning in a strategic and financial management role.
After graduating from The University of Guelph with a BCom in 1993, Mark immediately began working in the consulting industry with a boutique firm based in Southern Ontario. In 1999, Mark joined Deloitte in a VP capacity with a dual role of delivering services to clients and managing a territory that expanded to include all of Canada. In 2005, Mark started Business Improvement Group, a consulting firm providing specialty tax recovery services to the clients of local and regional accounting firms across the country. Business Improvement Group has recovered over $1 billion for clients in Canada. Mark also founded Orion Assessment Services of Canada and DST Advisory Services (offering R&D tax credit recovery in the United States).
Daniela Cavalcanti
Project Manager
As Orion’s Project Manager, Daniela keeps the lines of communication open between clients, auditors, and businesses to get projects completed efficiently and on-time. With over 10 years’ experience in the certification industry, Daniela has experience in management operations, customer care, strategic implementation, and company collaboration.
Previously, she worked as a corporate lawyer with a focus in organizational restructure and management consultation. Daniela holds both a bachelor’s degree in Law, a postgraduate degree in Public Law, an MBA, and a certificate in International Business. She is fluent in Portuguese, English, and French.
Heather Nelson
As Orion’s accountant, Heather is focused primarily on financial performance, providing strategic advice and reporting to the partners from a financial perspective.
After graduating from the University of Guelph in 2010 with a BCom in Management Economics in Industry and Finance, Heather immediately began working as a Project Manager at the Business Improvement Group. In this role, she supported the company’s overall strategic goals by working closely with the President to develop objectives, conduct market research, generate leads, and monitor and track performance. In 2014, she accepted the position of Marketing Manager at Allergen Control Group where she was responsible for the day-to-day marketing of the Gluten-Free Certification Program. Due to her experience in this position, Heather also leads the marketing initiatives at Orion and designs and generates marketing materials.