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Equivalents To 100 Hours Methodology+ 20 Hours Of Practicum


School City Province Program Name
Note: If a school is listed as expired, anyone who has their TESL from them during the time they were active or operating would have their certificate accepted.
ACE TESOL Various colleges/universities offer this and it was accepted by TESL Canada
Acadia University Halifax NS TESOL Certificate
Acadia University Halifax NS TESOL Certificate (ONLINE)
Academie Linguistique International (ALI) Montreal QC TESL/TEFL Cert. Course
Academy of Teaching and Training-expired Toronto ON TEFL Basic & TEFL Basic
Academy of Teaching and Training-expired Toronto ON TESL and TEFL Advanced Program
Alberta Bible College ( Northmount Institute)- expired Calgary AB TESOL Program
Algonquin College Language Institute Ottawa ON Certificate in TESL/TEFL/Standard2
Archer College Toronto-expired Toronto ON TEFL Certificate
Archer College (formerly Winfield College)-expired Vancouver BC TEFL 150 HOURS PROGRAM
Assiniboine Community College-ACE TESOL Brandon MB ACE TESOL Certificate
Atlantic Baptist University (see Crandall University) Moncton NB TESL Certificate
Benn's Educational Solutions/ School-expired Toronto ON TESL Cert. & TESL Dist. Learning Cert. Programs
Bethany College Hepburn SK TESOL Certificate
Bow Valley College Calgary AB ACE TESOL- Standard 1
Bridge Linguatec Various (US & global) TEFL and CELTA
Briercrest College Caronport SK BA -Applied Linguistics:TESOL
Briercrest College Caronport SK BA -Applied Linguistics:TESOL (after degree)
Briercrest College & Seminary Caronport SK BA in AppliedLinguistics &TESOL after degree
Brock University St Catharines ON Honours BA in Linguistics (TESL)
Brock University St Catharines ON MA in TESL
Brock University St Catharines ON Certificate in TESL
Brock University St Catharines ON M.A. Applied Linguistics (Thesis)
Brock University St Catharines ON M.A. Applied Linguistics (Major Project)
Burnaby Board of Education Burnaby BC TESOL Certificate
Burnaby College Vancouver Campus Vancouver BC TESL
Camosun College Victoria BC TEFL Program- from 2003-2006
Canada College Montreal QC TESOL / TEFL Program, Stndard 1
Canada College of Education Toronto ON Online TESOL- Standard One 
Canada College Montreal QC TESOL Diploma
Canada TESOL Centre (KGIC Business College) Vancouver BC TESOL Advanced Program
Canadian College of Educators Mississauga ON TESL Certificate and Diploma Level 1 and 2
Canadian College of Educators Toronto ON Online TESOL Standard 1
CCLCS Canadian Centre for Language and Cultural Studies Toronto ON TESL / TEFL Program Semester 2
CCLCS Canadian Centre for Language and Cultural Studies Toronto ON TESL / TEFL Program Semester 1
Canadian International College-expired North Vancouver BC
Carleton University Ottawa ON Certificate in TESL
Carleton University Ottawa ON MA Linguistic and Applied Studies (Thesis)
Carleton University Ottawa ON MA Linguistic and Applied Studies (Major Paper)
Carleton University Ottawa ON MA Linguistic and Applied Studies (Course)
Centennial College Toronto ON TESL Certificate, Standard 1 and 2
Centre for Education and Training-expired Mississauga ON ACE TESOL Certificate Program
Centre for Lived Language-expired Toronto ON TESL 1 Program
Centre Linguistque du College de Jonquière-expired Ottawa ON ACE TESOL Certificate Program
Century College Vancouver BC TESL / TEFL
Champlain Regional College St. Lambert QC TESL
NB. "Christ Church of Canada" has received Theology degree granting permissionfrom BC government Surrey BC This has had a name change from Christ for the Nations Bible College
College of New Caledonia-expired Prince George BC ACE TESOL. From 2006 - 2011
College of the Rockies Cranbrook BC ON-LINE Peak TESOL Certificate Program
College of the Rockies Cranbrook BC Peak TESOL Certificate Program- 2016-2021
Columbia College Vancouver BC CELTA
Columbia International College-expired Toronto ON TESL Program
Concordia University Montreal QC B Ed specialization in TESL
Concordia University Montreal QC TESL Certificate
Concordia University Montreal QC M.A. Applied Linguistics (Course)
Concordia University Montreal QC M.A. Applied Linguistics (Thesis)
Conestoga College Kitchener ON TESL Program 1 and 2
Coventry House International Toronto ON CerTESOL, ONTESOL.COM ONLINE
Coventry House International Toronto ON Trinity CertTESOL/ standard TESOL Certificate
Crandall University (formerly Atlantic Baptist University) Moncton NB TESL Certificate
DEA Canadian College North Vancouver BC TESOL Certificate
D & H College Richmond BC TESOL 150 Certificate
D & H College Richmond BC TESOL 300 Diploma
Douglas College New Westminster BC TESOL Citation
EC International College Toronto ON CELTA
Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers Edmonton AB ACE TESOL Certificate
Educere International College Calgary AB TESL
SELC (English Bay College before 2020) Vancouver BC TESL
English School of Canada-expired Toronto ON TESOL Diploma
English Spanish House-expired (now "Quest") Toronto ON TEFL Certificate
ESL Okanagan Campus\Ministry of Youth with Mission B.C Society Kelowna BC TESL Certificate aka - "University of the Nations"
ESL International Training Centre Vancouver BC TESL
Fanshawe College London Ontario TESOL- 250 hours, plus 50 hr. practicum. TESL Ontario approved
G.A. Wheable Centre/Thames River Valley District School Board London ON
George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology Toronto ON TESL Program
GEOS Language Academy Victoria BC TESL Certificate
Global Leadership College online TESOL/TEFL - 150 hour methodology
Global TESOL College onsite + online Program 2: Professional TESOL Certificate Program (120 hr.)
Global TESOL Institute onsite + online Program 1: Edmonton's Advanced TESOL Certificate course
Global Village Calgary Calgary AB CELTA
Global Village Toronto- expired Toronto ON TESL Program
Global Village Vancouver- expired Vancouver BC CELTA
Greystone College Toronto (ILSC) Toronto ON TESOL 130 Certificate
Greystone College Toronto (ILSC) Toronto ON TESOL 360 Program & CELTA
Greystone College Vancouver (ILSC) Vancouver BC TESOL Diploma 360 Program and CELTA
Greystone College Vancouver (ILSC) Vancouver BC TESOL 130 Certificate
Hansa Language Centre/ Hansa Canada College Toronto ON TESL Program
Humber College/Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Toronto ON TESOL Certificate Program AND Level 2
Humber College/Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Toronto ON TESL Postgrad Certificate
ILAC International Language Academy of Canada Toronto ON TESOL Certificate Program AND Level 2
ILAC International Language Academy of Canada Vancouver BC TESOL Diploma
ILAC International Language Academy of Canada Vancouver BC TESOL Certificate with a 6hour practicum is NOT accepted
International Career College BC Delta
International Gateway Kelowna BC TESOL
International College of Applied Linguistics Toronto ON TESL Certificate
ILSC Montreal Montreal QC TESOL Program
ILSC Montreal Montreal QC CELTA
ILSC Toronto Toronto ON See Greystone
IH International House / Sol Group Calgary Calgary AB TESL Certificate & Diploma
IH International House / Sol GroupToronto Toronto ON CELTA
IH International House / Sol GroupToronto Toronto ON TESL Diploma
IH International House Vancouver Vancouver BC TESL Program
ILI International Language Institute Halifax NS CELTA
INLINGUA Victoria College of Languages Victoria BC TESL Teacher Training &ONTESOL 120
International Gateway Kelowna BC TESL Standard 1
ISSLCC of BC Immigrant Services Language College of BC Vancouver BC TESOL Diploma Program
KGIC King George International Business College Toronto ON TESOL Advanced
KGIC King George International Business College Vancouver BC TESOL Advanced
Kwantlen University College-expired Surrey, Richmond BC CELTA - 2002-2010
Lakehead University Thunder Bay Ontario Close in June 2020 although some students are still completing practicum. Prior to that it had TESL Canada Level 1
Language Connection International Toronto ON TEFL
Language Studies International Toronto ON CELTA
Languages International Toronto / Archer College Toronto ON TESL 100
Lasalle College International Toronto Toronto ON TESL Cert
Lasalle College International Vancouver Vancouver BC TESL
London Language Institute (now Learning Languages Institute) London ON ACE TESOL Cerificate and Diploma
LSC Language Studies Canada Toronto ON CELTA
LSI Language Studies International - expired Toronto ON CELTA
McGill University Montreal QC B Ed in TESL
McGill University Montreal QC M Ed in Second Language Education (Thesis)
Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's NL M.A.Linguistics (Thesis)
Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's NL M.A.Linguistics (Course)
Mount Royal College / Mount Royal University Calgary AB ACE TESOL Diploma
Mount Royal University Calgary AB ACE TESOL Diploma -ON-LINE
Mount Royal University London Ontario ACE TESOL
Mount Royal College / Mount Royal University ACE TESOL) Calgary AB ACE TESOL Certificate
Mount Saint Vincent University / Saint Mary's University Halifax NS M Ed in Curriculum and Instruction with TESL / TFSL specialization
Mount Saint Vincent University / Saint Mary's University Halifax NS M Ed TESL (Course)
Niagara College Institute Of Applied Arts & Technology Welland ON TESL Standard 2
Niagara Catholic School Board St, Catharines ON ACE TESOL
Norquest College Edmonton AB TESL- Levels 1 and 2
Northern Lights College (formerly TAMs)-expired Toronto ON Int Dip in TESL
Northern Lights Training College Toronto ON Int Dip in TESL
Okanagan College Kelowna BC TESL Certificate
Okanagan College Vernon BC TESL
Okanagan College Salmon Arm BC TESL
Omnicom School of Languages Calgary AB 120 hour TESL Cert
Omnicom School of Languages Calgary AB 320 hour TESL Cert
Omnicom School of Languages Calgary AB TESL Cert - ON-LINE
Omnicom College of TESL Training Toronto ON 120 hour TESL Cert
Omnicom College of TESL Training Toronto ON 320 TESL Diploma
Oxford International Halifax NS ACE TESOL (formerly East Coast Language College)
Oxford College of Arts, Business and Technology Scarborough ON TESL Diploma
PGIC Pacific Gateway International College-expired Vancouver BC TESL Diploma
Pan Pacific International College -expired Victoria BC TESL 240 HOUR AND TESL 120 HOUR (2007-2009)
Pattison College-expired ON TESL Diploma
Peel District School Board Mississauga ON ACE TESOL Certificate
Providence College and Seminary Otterburne MB TESOL Certificate
Providence College and Seminary Otterburne MB MA in Global Studies / TTESOL (training teachers)
Providence College and Seminary Otterburne MB MA in Global Studies / TESOL
Providence College and Seminary Otterburne MB MA in Educational Studies in TTESOL
Providence College and Seminary Otterburne MB MA, Educational Studies (TESOL Track)
Providence College and Seminary Otterburne MB Certificate in Training Teachers of ESOL (TTESOL
Quest Language Studies Toronto ON TESOL Professional Program
Queen's University Kingston ON TESL Standard 1
Red Deer College-ACE TESOL Red Deer AB ACE TESOL Certificate
Renison College - University of Waterloo Kitchener ON ACE TESOL Certificate and Diploma
Robinson Linguistic College- expired Toronto ON CTESL Prog
Royal Byng College Richmond BC TESOL 120
Saint Mary's University TESL Centre Halifax NS Diploma in TESL / TEFL.
Selkirk College Castlegar BC TESOL Advanced Diploma
Seneca College (Faculty of Continuing Education) North York ON Faculty of Education - TESL Certficate
Seneca College English Language Institute North York ON English Language Institute-TESL 1
Seneca College English Language Institute North York ON English Language Institute-TESL 2
Sheridan College Oakville ON TESOL PLUS Standard 2
Simon Fraser University Vancouver BC TESL Linguistics Certificate
Simon Fraser University Vancouver BC M.A. Linguistics (Thesis)
Simon Fraser University Vancouver BC M.Ed TESL/TEFL (Course + Exam)
Sol Group of Career Colleges-see all IH Sol Group above ALL locations TESL DIPLOMA & TESL certificate
Sol Group of Career Colleges-see all IH Sol Group above Toronto ON CELTA
Springhills Education Centre-expired Toronto ON TESL
Sprott Shaw BC TESOL
St. John Learning Centre, Niagara Catholic School Board St Catharines ON ACE TESOL
Study Abroad Canada Language Institute Charlottetown PEI Advanced Certificate in TESL/TEFL Standard 1
Surrey College-expired Surrey BC TESL Program
TESL International Society- expired Toronto ON TESL
Thompson Rivers University (fornerly UCC) Kamloops BC TESL certificate
Toronto School District Board Toronto ON
Trent University-expired Peterborough ON TESL Training Program
Trinity Western University Langley BC M.A. TESOL (Online or Resident)
Trinity Western University Langley BC TESL Certificate
Universal Student Centre (McGill - 1993) Montreal Quebec TESOL
University of the Fraser Valley (formerly UC of FV) Abbotsford BC TESL Certificate
University of Alberta Edmonton AB M Ed in Second Language Education (Course)
University of Alberta Edmonton AB M Ed in Second Language Education (Thesis)
University of Alberta Edmonton AB Diploma in TESL
University of British Columbia- expired Vancouver BC Certificate in Advanced English Language Teaching (CAELT)
University of British Columbia Vancouver BC M.A.TESL (Thesis)
University of British Columbia Vancouver BC M.Ed.TESL (Course)
University of British Columbia Vancouver BC M.A. Linguistics (Thesis)
University of British Columbia Vancouver BC M.A. Linguistics (Course + Paper+ Exam)
University of Calgary Calgary AB Online and in class TESL Certificate - Level 1
University of Calgary Calgary AB TESL Certificate- online and in class, Level 2
University of Calgary- expired Calgary AB M Ed TESL
University of Calgary Calgary AB M.A. TESL (Thesis)
University of Manitoba Winnipeg MB Certificate in TESL
University of Manitoba Winnipeg MB M Ed Second Language Education (Course)
University of Manitoba Winnipeg MB M Ed Curriculum and Teaching (Thesis)
University of the Nations-Okanagan Campus Kelowna BC TESL Certificate Program
University of New Brunswick Fredericton NB B Ed in TESL
University of New Brunswick Fredericton NB CTESL
University of Ottawa Ottawa ON M Ed in Second Language Education (Course)
University of Ottawa Ottawa ON M Ed in Second Language Education (Thesis)
University of Quebec at Chicoutimi Chicoutimi QC Unite d'enseignement en linguistique et langues modernes
University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon SK Extended CERTESL
University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon SK CERTESL Program (must include TESL 42) Stndard 2
University of the Fraser Valley (formerly UCFV) Abbotsford BC TESL Certificate Program
University of Toronto OISE Toronto ON Masters in Language and Literacies Education
University of Toronto OISE Toronto ON M.A. Linguistics
University of Toronto OISE Toronto ON PhD in Language Literacies Education
University of Toronto OISE Toronto ON B.Ed Language and Literacies Education
University of Toronto (Woodsworth) Toronto ON TESL Cerificate Program / Certificate in TESL
University of Victoria Victoria BC BA Applied Linguistics
University of Victoria Victoria BC Diploma in Applied Linguistics
University of Victoria Victoria BC M.A. Linguistics
University of Victoria Victoria BC M.A. Applied Linguistics (Thesis)
University of Victoria Victoria BC M.A. Applied Linguistics (Course)
University of Western Ontario London ON Certificate in TESL
University of Windsor Windsor ON ACE TESOL Certificate
University of Winnipeg Winnipeg MB EAL & ESL Teacher Certificate Program - in house
University of Winnipeg Winnipeg MB EAL & ESL Teacher Certificate Program-ONLINE
Upper Career College of Business and Technology Toronto ON TESL Certificate
Upper Career College of Business and Technology Vancouver BC TESL Certificate
Upper Madison College of Advanced Language Learning, etc Toronto ON TESL Standard 1
Vancouver Career College Vancouver BC TESL Diploma
VCC Vancouver Community College Vancouver BC In service TESOL Diploma
VCC Vancouver Community College Vancouver BC TESOL Diploma
VCC Vancouver Community College Vancouver BC TESOL Certificate Program
VCC Vancouver Community College Vancouver BC TESOL Distance Diploma
Vancouver English Centre - no longer offered Vancouver BC TEFL Certificate
Vanguard College (Formerly NW Bible College) Edmonton AB TESOL
VIA Victoria International Academy Victoria BC TESL Program Pro 120 Diploma ONLINE
VIA Victoria International Academy Victoria BC TESL Pro 120 Diploma
VIA Victoria International Academy Victoria BC TESL Pro 270 Diploma
VIA Victoria International Academy Victoria BC TESL Pro 270 Diploma- ONLINE
Vancouver International College Vancouver BC TESOL
Vancouver Island University Nanaimo BC TESL
VGC Vancouver BC Only the Diploma program has the required 100 hours of methodology plus the 20 hour practicum.
WTC Western Town College-expired Toronto ON TESOL NSE Program/ TESOL CPP Program
WTC Western Town Business College Vancouver BC TESOL CPP Program (2010- 2013)
Winfield College (changed to Archer College Vancouver) Vancouver BC TEFL 150 HOURS PROGRAM
YMCA International College- expired Vancouver BC CELTA
York Catholic District School Board Toronto ON
York University Toronto ON TESOL Certificate
York University Toronto ON M.A. in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
York University Toronto ON M.A. Linguistics, Applied (Thesis)
York University Toronto ON M.A. Linguistics, Applied (Course + Major Paper)
Yukon College- expired Whitehorse Yukon TESL Cert Pro- expired

Canada - Additional Course Information

NB: 3 credits for a course means that there are 3 hours per week over a semester

School City Province Program Name
EDUC ENED 489 or LLED 489 UBC BC Applied Linguistics TOGETHER, these 3 courses
plus EDUC ENED 467 or LLED 478 UBC BC Intro to Teaching English as a Second Language lead to the UBC
plus LLED 399 UBC BC Practicum which runs concurrently to LLED478 TESL Certificate
LLED 489A, 489B UBC BC Applied Linguistics HALF COURSES- each is 3 credits, 39 hours
OCT-Ontario College of Teachers-Additional Qualifications all Ontario ON ESL Part 1 meets the standard; required for teaching ESL at all levels of elementary and secondary education in Ontario
OCT-Ontario College of Teachers-Additional Qualifications all Ontario ON ESL Parts 2 and 3 can only be earned after Part 1 is completed

* all qualified Ontario elementary and secondary teachers’ credentials are public information and can be checked on the OCT website
NB: 3 credits for a course means that there are 3 hours per week over a semester

Federal and Provincial Professional Accreditations - These Meet the Requirements of the LC Standard

School Province Program Name
TESL Canada (Federation) Canada Listing of Registered Tesl Training programs in Canada
TESL Ontario ON TESL teacher accreditation
CTESOL ON Acredited by TESL Ontario and equivalent toTESL Canada Level 1
ATESL AB TESL teacher accreditation
TESL SK SK TESL teacher accreditation
BC TEAL BC TESL teacher certification
OCELT ON Ontario Certificate of English Language Training
CES -Comparative Education Service. CES is designated by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC, formerly CIC) as a provider of credential evaluation services for immigration, and are valued by academic, professional and government institutions across the country.

Usa Tesl Programs That Are Equivalent

School City State Program Name
Adelphi University Garden City New York MA in TESOL
Alabama, University of Tuscaloosa Alabama MA EdS PhD in Education with concentration in SLAT and ESL
Aquinas College, School of Education Grand Rapids Michigan Minor in TESOL and TESOL endorsement, MAT with TESOL endorsement
Auburn Universtiy, Dept. of Curriculum and Teaching Auburn Alabama M Ed in ESL Education
Azusa Pacific University, Department of Global Studies & Sociology Azusa California BA with minor in TESOL
Azusa Pacific University, Department of Global Studies & Sociology Azusa California Certificate in TESOL
Azusa Pacific University, Department of Global Studies & Sociology Azusa California MA in TESOL
Azusa Pacific University, Department of Global Studies & Sociology Azusa California MA TESOL field based program
Ball State University, Department of English Muncie Indiana K-12 ESL Endorsement
Beloit College, Department of Education Beloit Wisconsin Certification in ESL and Bilingual Education
Biola University Dept. of TESOL and Applied Linguistics La Mirada California Undergraduate minor in TESOL
Biola University Dept. of TESOL and Applied Linguistics La Mirada California Graduate certificate in TESOL
Biola University Dept. of TESOL and Applied Linguistics La Mirada California MA in Applied Linguistics
Biola University Dept. of TESOL and Applied Linguistics La Mirada California MA in TESOL
Boston Academy of English Boston MA Certificate in TEFL
Bridge Linguatec, TESL-CELTA Teacher Training and Bridge Language, Education & Travel (Online) Denver Colorado Cambridge CELTA- BLET accredited by ACCET
Brigham Young University, Dept of Linguistics Provo Utah TESOL MA
Brigham Young University, Dept of Linguistics Provo Utah Undergraduate minor in TESOL K-12
Brigham Young University, Dept of Linguistics Provo Utah TESOL graduate certificate
California, University of, Davis, Dept of Linguistics Davis California MA in Linguistics (Applied track)
California, Universtiy of Los Angeles. Dept of Applied Linguistics & TESL Los Angeles California MA in Applied Linguistics and TESL
California, Universtiy of Los Angeles. Dept of Applied Linguistics & TESL Los Angeles California PhD in Applied Linguistics
California, University of, Riverside, Extension, Extension, International Education Programs Riverside California Certificate in TEFL
California, University of, San Diego, Dept. of Educatino, USCS Extension San Diego California TESOL Certificate
California State University, Fresno, Dept. of Linguistics Fresno California MA in Linguistics with an option in TESL
California State University, Fullerton, Dept of Foreign Languages and Literatures Fullerton California MS in TESOL
Framington State University Framington MA M.ED which includes at least TESL 928
Georgia State University Georgia Masters in Applied Linguistics
Western Washington University Bellingham Washington TESOL Certificate-200hr. Instruction/400 hr. practicum
University of Wisconsin- Madison Wisconsin MA Applied Linguistics
TEFL Institute Chicago Illinois 130 hr. of Methodology. 20 hr. practicum. TESL Canada Level 1
Chicago, IL USA Florida BA = Cdn. BA

USA TESL Methodology Requirements OK BUT check for 20 hour Observed Practicum

School City State Program Name
Alliant International Universtiy- Grad School of Education San Diego California MA in Education with concentration on TESOL
Alliant International Universtiy- Grad School of Education San Diego California EdD in TESOL
American University, Dept of Language and Foreign Studies Washington DC TESOL Certificate
American University, Dept of Language and Foreign Studies Washington DC MA in TESOL
American University, Dept of Language and Foreign Studies Washington DC Master's international program MA in TESOL
American University, Dept of Language and Foreign Studies Washington DC MAT: ESOL
Arizona State University Tempe Arizona Master of TESL/ TESOL
Ball State University, Department of English Muncie Indiana MA in TESOL
Ball State University, Department of English Muncie Indiana MA in TESOL and Linguistics
Ball State University, Department of English Muncie Indiana PhD in Applied Linguistics
Barry University TESOL Department Miami Shores Florida MS TESOL
Brigham Young University, Hawaii, Dept. of English Language Teaching and Learning Laie Hawaii BA in TESOL
California, University of, Irvine Exension Irvine California Certificate in TESL
California Polytechnic University, Dept. of English San Luis Obispo California MA - ESL certificate
California State University, Fresno, Dept. of Linguistics Fresno California BA in Linguistics with an option in TESL
California State University, Fresno, Dept. of Linguistics Fresno California Graduate Certificate in TESOL
California State University, Fullerton, Dept of Foreign Languages and Literatures Fullerton California TESOL Certificate

The Following Programs Do NOT Meet the Requirements of the LC Standard

School Program Name
Atlantic Overseas Teaching Institute. This is just a basic overview of teaching ESL for teachers going overseas. Does not meet standards.
Canadian College of Linguistics  It is a total of 8 days, of 8 hrs each (assuming no lunch breaks = 64 hours, including the practicum. Of those 8 days, one is dedicated to job prep and searches and another is for feedback, certificates and awards. The practicums don't really appear to be supervised teaching. 
Global TESOL Program 1: Advanced TESOL Certificate course not accepted
Global TESOL Please note that Edmonton's Level 1 and level 2 and 3 are accepted from Global TESOL
HESS has 85 hr. of methodology and 65 hr. of practicum
Oxford Seminars Neither the CERTIFICATE WITH 60 hours nor the 100 hour hours are accepted.

Foreign Certificates which meet the LC Standard BUT-may require additional practicum

School Location Program Name
ITC-International (International TEFL Training Centre) Mexico, Boston TEFL/TESOL Certificate
ITTO(International Teacher Training Organization) London, England TESL Certificate
St. Giles, International Certificate in Teaching English
Teflen Training College Int'l- on line IARC recognized. 120 or 150 hr. program but there is no practicum

Worldwide Certificates which meet the LC Standard

School City Country Program Name
Cambridge CELTA worldwide as noted in # 7 of LC Teacher Qualification and Specification Jan 2012
Cambridge DELTA worldwide as noted in # 7 of LC Teacher Qualification and Specification Jan 2012
CELT worldwide recognized by ACELS, so this plus a degree meet the standard
CORK English College ELT - member of ACELS EAQUALS Quality English
CTEFLA worldwide recognized by ACELS - you may see it for teachers from Ireland
International TEFL Academy in Chicago. worldwide as noted in # 7 of LC Teacher Qualification and Specification Jan 2012
INTESOL Worldwide Montpellier France IATQuO - meets international standard – 120 hours & practicum and follows British Council criteria for ESL standards
Language House London England
London Teacher Training College Level 5 of TQ UK
NUI ELT Certificate worldwide 190 hr. of Theory and Practice
Trinity College CerTESOL worldwide as noted in # 7 of LC Teacher Qualification and Specification Jan 2012
Trinity College DipTESOL worldwide
University of Limerick Limerick Ireland Master's in ELT
RSA (Royal Society of Arts) worldwide UK The current Cambridge CELTA replaced the RSA/Cambridge CELTA in 2001.
TEFL Org. worldwide also a member of Ofqual
If the Foreign TESL Certificate has the following seal on it, it can be accepted as meeting the LC Standard:
English UK
English Australia
British Council

Assessment Bodies That Determine Equivalency To Canadian Degrees

University of the West Indies- Trinidad- Assessed by WES and CES
Alberta's, Sakatchewan and the Yukon is IQAS
B.C.'s is ICES
Manitoba's is WES and CEFAHQ
Ontario's is CES and WES (accepted by Ontario Government)
Quebec's is CEFAHQ: Centre d’expertise sur les formations acquises hors du Quebec, QC
WES online link
Scholaro https://www.scholaro.com/

Foreign Universities Already Assessed for Degrees

School City Country Program Name
University of the West Indies Trinidad
Allameh Tabatabaei University Tehran Iran Masters degree is equivalent to a Canadian Masters degree
American University in Cairo Cairo Egypt M.A. in TEFL
Bangalore University, 1993 India Masters of Arts assessed as equivalent to Bachelors and 1 year Masters
Beirut Arab University Beirut Lebanon
College of English Language Teacher Education Olsztyn Poland
Dublin City Univ. Ireland BA = Cdn. BA
Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus Cyprus Master's is equal to a 1 year Master's in Canada;
Egypt -Arab Academy for Science, Tech. & Maritime Transport (AASTMT) Egypt BSc is equivalent to 4 year degree in Canada
Hogeschool Van Amsterdam, Univ of Applied Sciences Amsterdam Netherlands IDEE (International Degree in English and Education)
University of Amsterdam, MA General Linguistics Amsterdam Netherlands MA
IDMLT (International Diploma of Language Teaching Management, University of Queensland, 2007 - Brisbane NSW Australia prerequisite includes a degree and recognized teaching experience. The course is 350 hours.
Islamic Azad University, Iran Iran ICES - BA equal to 4 year Canadian BA
Tehran University, BA Tehran Iran CAD BA
Khayyam University of Iran - BA Iran SFU has accepted this as equivalent to a 4 year BA
Khayyam University of Iran - BA Iran SFU has accepted this as equivalent to a 4 year BA
Kyiv State Univ.Ukraine Ukraine BA. Equivalent to a 4 yr.Canadian bachelor's degree
Leed's Metropolitan University / Leeds Beckett Leeds UK BSc = Cdn BSc
Liaoning Normal University, China, Bachelor of Arts – Teaching English China Equivalent to Canadian BA
Lim Kok Wing University Malaysia BA (Mass communications),
Masaryk University Brno Czech Republic B.Ed,
Moscow State Linguistic University Moscow Russia Master in Linguistics equal to Master's in Cnada
Sabzevar University for Teacher Training Iran MA in TEFL exceeds the requirments for TESL training.
Samarkand State University Uzbekistan CES stated that both the Bachelor and Masters degrees are equivalent corresponding Canadian degrees
Tampere Conservatory Of Music -B. Mus. Ed Finland 4 year of Ma = 4 year Bachelor's in Canada
American University, The Beirut Lebanon
University of Sussex Sussex UK BSc = Cdn BSc
Universidad de Las Americas Puebla Mexico MA in Applied Linguistics
University of Bath Bath UK BA is equivalent to a Canadian BA
University of Calcutta Calcutta India B. Ed
University of Calcutta Calcutta India BA. Equivalent to a 3 year Canadian bachelor's degree
University of Leipzig, Germany Leipzig Germany Applied Linguistics & English Lit. equivalent to 4 yr. BA
University of London London UK BA = Cdn. BA
University of New England Australia
University of New Mexico Mexico
University of Philosophy Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia BA
University of Piura, Peru, 2005, Bachelor of Education Sciences, Peru IQAS- equivalent to Bachelors in Canada
University of Queensland Australia BA = BA and BEd - Bachelor (Cdn)
University of Rhode Island USA
University of Romania Romania
University of Romania ( Babes-Bolyia University, Cluj-Napoca., 1996 Romania BA equivalent to Canadian 4 yr. BA
University of Santo Tomas, Philippines Philippines Master's in Science is equivalent to a Canadian 4 year Bachelor's in any area
University of Sistan and Baluchestan Iran Bachelors in teaching ESL
University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg, South Africa, B.A. (Political Science and Philosophy)
University of Turin, Italy - Modern Foreign Languages and Literature Italy Bachelors equals Cdn. 4 year bachelors
Ural State University Russia
Victoria University Wellington New Zealand TESOL Certificate
Vienna College of Music and Dramatic Art, Vienna ICES- diploma equivalent to 4 year Bachelors
Yakutsk State University USSR Dipl. of Specialist Qual.of Philologist, English Language Teacher and translator = 4yr.Bachelor their Bachelor's degree is equivalent to 2 years of an undergrad degree in Canada
Yonsei University Seoul Korea
University of Capetown Capetown South Africa BA is equal to a 3 year Canadian degree
Uniwersytet Lódzki -Doktor Nauk- equiv. to earned Doctorate Ludz Poland
Madurai Kamaraj University - India BA in English equivalent to Cdn.
Merrimack College New England USA accredited by Commission on Institutions of Higher Learning of New England Associations of Schools & Colleges
Savannah College of Art and Design USA BFA Animation
Tianjin Foreigh Language Institute BA=BA China BA
Universitatea din Bucuresti Romania Diploma de Licenta equal 4 year Bachelors degree
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Iran Karshenasi (Bachelor's degree)
Shahid Beheshti University- English Language & Litet. BA Tehran Iran EqeNGuivalent to Canadian BA
University of Technology-Madhya Pradesh Bhopal India B. English
Indian School of Business, MBA Hyderabad India MBA
Marmara University, BFA Istanbul Turkey U of Toronto Comparative Education assesses as equivalent to CAD Bachelors
University of Khartoum, BSc, Chemistry Khartoum Sudan, Africa B.Sc
Yerevan State University, Bachelors degree Yerevan Armenia 4 year Bachelor degree in Canada
Central University of Venezuela, 5 yr undergrad degree Caracas Venezuela 4 year degree in Canada
Mogi das Cruzes, Faculty of Philosopy, Sciences and Letters Ministry of Educ., Brazil Brazil 4 year degree equivalent to 3 year Bachelor's degree in Canada
National University of La Matanza ARGENTINA CES
University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali,” ALBANIA 3 YEAR MATURITY DEGREE EQUALS 3 YEAR Bachelor degree in Canada
Sao Paulo State University Sao Paolo Brazil Bachelor degree equals Canadian Bachelor degree
"Dzemal Bijedic" University of Mostar Bosnia & Herzegovina 3 year Language and Literature Bachelors = 3 year Bachelor in Canada
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Port Elizabeth South Africa, 4 YEAR DEGREE EQUALS Canadian 4 year degree
Norwich University Montpelier Vermont 4 year Bachelors = 4 year BA in Canada
Lomonosov State University Moscow Russian Federation Diploma of Specialist degree = CAD Bachelors and Masters degree
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong BA = Canadian 4 year BA
Kingston University UK BA equals CAD 4 year degree
Universidad Veracruzana/Universidad de Puebla Mexico ICAS states 4 years = 4 year degree
Fedowski University Mashad Iran Bachelor degree equals Canadian Bachelor degree
Kharazmi University Iran Bachelor degree equals Canadian Bachelor degree
Punjab University Punjab INDIA Bachelor and Masters equal to same in Canada
MS Univrsity of Baroda India BA = CAD degree
Ferlagos University Sao Paolo Brazil B.Ed. + 4 year CAD degree
University of Pune India Bachelors (3 & 4 year) equal to Canadian Bachelors degree
Universidade Bras Cubas Mogi das Cruzes Brazil B.A. = 4 yr. CAD degree
University of Isfahan Iran Masters = Canadian Masters
Kiev Shevchenko National University Kiev Russia BA and MA - WES
Singapore Institute of Management Singapore China WES assessed MA as equivalent
University of South Australia Australia BA is equivalent to a Canadian BA
Chernivtsi State U Ukraine BA-WES_
Payame Noor U Iran BA - WES
University of Rome La Sapienza Rome BA - WES
Penza State Pedagogical University BA - CES and WES
University of Glamorgan BA - WES
Al-Zahara Uni Iran BA and MA - CES
Herzen State Pedagogical University Russia BA and MA - WES
Zaporizhzhya National U Ukraine BA and MA - WES
Raffles College of Design and Commerce NSW, Australia BA - WES
U of the Arts London UK MA- CES
U of Kurdistan Kurdistan Iraq BA- WES
U College Dublin Dublin Ireland BA- WES
U of Brasilia Brazil BA - WES
University of Birmingham UK
University of San Paolo Sao Paulo Brazil BA=BA
Alexandria Univ. Alexandria Egypt BA and MA are equivalent to Canadian degrees
LaSalle University Bogata Colombia BA=BA
Lebanese University Lebanon BA=BA