Certifications and Audits for Language Education Companies

Orion is the only auditing firm specializing in the language industry in North America.
We work with over 300 language service companies and have been supporting Languages Canada members for over 10 years.
We are currently the only firm endorsed by three language industry associations to audit their membership and offer certification to most of the commonly requested language industry standards. Our vast and lengthy experience means that we truly know and understand the language industry, including its typical processes, software, and terminology.
As a result, our accreditation services are efficient and effective, and we will work with you to establish mutual goals up front to make sure your needs are fully met. We also give back to the language industry by sponsoring industry events and providing free webinars on standards.
Who Is Languages Canada?
To maintain a valid membership in Languages Canada, members must obtain and maintain their accreditation with Orion.
As a condition of membership with Languages Canada, all member schools must be accredited by Orion to the Languages Canada Quality Assurance Standard.
Orion operates at arm’s length from Languages Canada with an open, transparent, and confidential audit scheme that maintains the integrity and rigour of Languages Canada’s standards. Each level of review is completed by different members of a team of highly qualified, independent professionals.
The Languages Canada accreditation process is defined in the Accreditation Manual and includes the following stages:
- Applications for accreditation are submitted to Orion. Note that the program must apply to Languages Canada and be deemed “eligible for membership” prior to starting the accreditation process.
- A preliminary review and documentation review is completed to allow the school to close any gaps prior to the onsite review.
- An onsite review is performed by Orion and recommendations are made.
- An onsite review is performed by Orion and recommendations are made.
- Maintenance audits continue at regularly scheduled intervals to maintain quality standards.
- Begin the accreditation process by accessing the standards, forms, and documentation you will need to guide you through the process.